Penelope Rance

My UX research & design ramblings

Reporting Back

This week I went back to General Assembly to see the latest group of students on the UXDI11 course.

Throughout the course GA have guest speakers come in to talk to the students on a variety of subjects, such as creating your own company or how to work with recruiters.

photo of the panel in the classroom
Strange to be at the front of the class, rather than listening

This week I was part of a panel of three past students come in to speak about how we found a job and what it is like.

I remember when we had our panel. It was week 4 and I ended up feeling a bit depressed. They made it sound so easy! I would never be good enough to get a job! Of course at that part of the course we still had a long way to go and as I learnt more so my confidence rose and in the end I was one of the first in my class to find a job.

"I felt like an explorer who had been out to some tropical far away place and had finally made my way home to report my findings"

So it was really nice to be invited back to speak to the students about my experience. I hope I was able to reassure them that if they do the work they will be able to find a job too. The panel was made up of myself and one of my class mates Liv, and Neej who was in the class before ours and worked as TA with our class.

It was strange to be back. I felt like an explorer who had been out to some tropical far away place and had finally made my way home to report my findings.

  • “How did you find your job?”
  • “How does GA compare with real life?”
  • “What advice would you give us?”
  • “What sorts of projects do you work on?”
  • “What was your first day like?”

These and more were the sorts of questions they asked and I found it just as interesting as the class to listen to the panel give their thoughts.

Photo of the panel
Listening to what Liv has to say

I hope my answers were helpful and inspiring. If they have worked as hard as we did they deserve to find good jobs.

It was great to speak to the students and I loved giving back to the community but it also reminded me of all the good things I love about my job. I love the fact I get paid to solve problems, sketch ideas and talk to people about my designs. This is so much better than my old job! Confirmation that I made the right decision.

I wish them all luck finding jobs, and hope to be invited back to speak again.

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